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Online Lunch and Learns

german classes Dallas Century City Los Angeles Brooklyn, NYC

German and US-American citizens seem to live in very similar conditions. We look similar and consume the same products and entertainment. Still, culturally the countries are much more different than many people know. Our cultural talks discuss a vast variety of cultural similarities and differences as well as the reasons for them. Many of the differences are based on different values. Globalization makes it very important to be aware of them.

Understanding German business culture

Learn how German citizens live business culture, what the cultural differences mean for German-U.S. business relationships, and hear how Americans can build a successful business relationship with German companies.

Why Germans are very direct

Participants get an introduction to the basics of German language pronunciation. We will discuss why Germans use language in a more direct way, and Americans do not. The event will be in English.

Germans are rude, and Americans are phony. Are they?

Germans use language in a much more direct way than Americans. The type of words and sentence structure they use might sound very aggressive but makes Germans extremely reliable. We will be discussing, what the use of language has to do with individualism and collectivism, why Germans are often considered as rude and why Germans often think of Americans as phony and unreliable.


Germans still seem to have a problematic relationship with Jewish culture. Many people share the opinion that Jewish culture is practically invisible in Germany, while Muslim culture is openly supported. Additionally, German citizens are known for being very skeptical about Israel's politics but stand up for the interests of countries like Iran. Many Germans publicly criticize Christian and Jewish religious values while demanding respect for Muslim culture. This contradicting way of handling religion and culture is subject to discussion in this talk.

Germans, Jews, and Muslims

Public transportation in Germany and America

German public transportation is popular, and it fits the identity of the Germans very well. Values based on collectivism and stability contradict many American values about Individualism, flexibility, and freedom. We will be discussing, in what way Americans can profit from German public transportation technology, how they could install similar infrastructure and to what type of people the service of public transportation is catering.

Parenting in Germany and America

German children grow up under different conditions than American children. Not only the infrastructure in the cities is much different, but German parenting is also more base on German collectivist values. Surprisingly, German parenting often creates a very independent childhood that American children do not experience. However, it results in adult life based on very collectivist and less individualistic values and habits. We will discuss the reasons and how American society can use German parenting ideals to their advantage.

Food culture in Germany and America

Germans celebrate food in a very different way than Americans. While the German celebration focuses on the quality of the different types of food, Americans tend to use specific types of food to celebrate entertainment and social events. In Germany, the actual food is entertainment, not a Baseball game. Learn more about different types of food Germans celebrate and discuss why Americans are so crazy about Burger and Bacon.



  • Business culture

  • Germans and Israel

  • Jewish culture in Germany

  • Social Democracy / Liberalism / Socialism / Nationalism

  • Police and security

  • The political system

  • Republic / Democracy

  • European Union / USA

  • Free Speech, press, and media

  • Environmental laws

  • Infrastructure

  • TAX / Social Security / insurances

  • Housing & regulations

  • Direct vs. Indirect Speech

  • General Language Differences

  • Parenting

  • Public and private education

  • Food culture

  • Public holidays and celebrations

  • Entertainment and pop culture

German culture USA Century City Dallas online

Additionally we can provide German Cultural Talks about the following topics. Contact us with your questions.

Our talks are available in English and German language. They can be booked as Lunch & Learns or for any other purpose. The setting can be more or less entertaining / educating depending on clients' individual needs.

Contact us for more information or a customized quote.

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More Services

German Tutor NYC Dallas

Private Tutoring

Our German tutoring sessions take place online or at JacobiTeacher locations in NYC, and Las Vegas  For students who prefer private lessons at their place, we can bring our classes to your home or work, with a higher fee depending on distance.

german enrichment program los angeles LA Dallas

German Enrichment Programs

Our German Enrichment Programs programs usually run for 9 to 12 weeks, and are available for schools, private groups, and educational institutions. Each course can be booked for 3 - 10 participants, with age groups 2-6, 7-11, 11-15 and 14-17+. Participating schools, groups and institutions will provide the learning space, and we will provide all German learning materials. Alternatively, classes can take place in our facilities in New York City and Las Vegas.

German Course Online

German Online Courses

Our German Online course caters to absolute beginners as well as advanced learners that have experience at learning German in a self-learning setting with tools like Duolingo. We integrate digital language learning material into online classes, which makes our courses interactive and fun.

Manhattan, NY

Las Vegas, NV

1740 Broadway - 15th floor New York City NY 10019​


5795 W Flamingo Rd - Unit 265  

Spring Valley NV 89103


Text us: (212) 960 3416 -


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